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Case Studies

Success At School

«Making sure a workplace is a fun and fair environment for everyone is, for the most part, the responsibility of an employer. But you can do some things to help, too! Upholding equality is about acknowledging that we are all different and accepting those differences. This means treating everyone with respect no matter who they are, where they’re from, or what they look like. 

And if you see someone get treated unfairly, don’t be afraid to let them know you are there to support them. Standing alongside those who are experiencing discrimination can help lead to a better workplace… and a better future!»



«The YWCA of NYC works to eliminate racism, empower women and stand up for social justice by providing leadership and advocacy training for young women and out of school time programming for elementary and middle school students in culturally diverse communities.

With its historic mission to improve the welfare of girls and women who needed assistance with housing, job training, sex education classes, access to books, physical fitness, and friendship, and as a pioneer in race relations, labor union representation, and women’s health initiatives, the YW soared to the forefront of most major movements.»


Cardboard Bike Project

Sometimes you see a project and you think that whoever came up with it is great. This is the case of Izhar Gafni, an engineer who works in industrial design. He had the idea of using one of the most common materials to make a bike, the cardboard.

The result is surprising because not only does it drive but it is also cool in design. Almost entirely made of cardboard, the prototype reminds some “fixies”, these fixed gear bikes who do not know what freewheel means. The style of the Cardboard Bike Project is sleek and inevitably catches the eye.

Made with easily recyclable materials and costing virtually nothing to buy, the designer ensures that it costed him 9 to 12€ but remains shy on the number of hours spent on the building… Commercialization is not yet in the agenda but does not seem out of reach.