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Case Studies


«Azuri is a leader in pay-as-you-go solar technology.
Combining solar and mobile payment innovation with efficient products, Azuri brings affordable, modern consumer goods and services to the millions in sub-Saharan Africa without access to conventional power. Of the one billion people who lack access to electricity around the world, over 600 million live in sub-Saharan Africa.
Azuri’s vision is to create a level playing field where all consumers can access and benefit from the digital economy, wherever they live.»


«ChargeLab builds open software for managing electric vehicle charging stations. Our platform democratizes smart infrastructure, making it easier for businesses, governments, and electric utilities to promote zero-emission mobility. While dozens of established companies and new start-ups focus on EV charging hardware, ChargeLab is focused entirely on software for managing how EVs charge and aggregating usage data. Our software connects to EV chargers to gather usage data, manage electricity loads, and act as a platform for other transactions.

ChargeLab’s platform is differentiated from other solutions by being 100% open and interoperable. Competitors focus on vertically integrated solutions (locking software and hardware together). The platform provides businesses, governments, and utilities with the flexibility they need to connect any charging station compliant with open protocols, and to create grid-scale interventions.»


«The efficient use of energy, and access to secure and reliable energy sources, is a key strategic focus for Goldcorp through our Energy Stewardship Strategy. Goldcorp supports the Paris climate change objectives, and recognizes the need to play its part in combatting this global issue, especially because the effects of climate change are already noticeable in some of the areas where Goldcorp operates. A notable energy initiative is Goldcorp’s Borden Gold Mine, Canada’s first all-electric underground mine.

Goldcorp has teamed up with leading industry equipment suppliers to provide battery-powered underground vehicles to replace all conventional diesel powered equipment. Eliminating diesel will make a huge improvement to working conditions by removing diesel particulate and other gases like NOX and SO2 from the workplace.»